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What is REAL Essentials?


What is REAL Essentials?

Need help communicating how REAL Essentials can help in your community? We’ve created a quick REAL Essentials video overview for you to share.

Stay on the Same Team


Stay on the Same Team

Marriage and Relationship Workshops by The Center for Relationship Education.

Give Her Hope: Partner with The Center for Relationship Education


Give Her Hope: Partner with The Center for Relationship Education

Relationships are the very essence of humanity. Partner with The Center for Relationship Education to equip youth, parents and families with skills, resources and knowledge to last a lifetime.

Healthy Marriage Workshops: Eye-Opening Help for Your Relationship


Healthy Marriage Workshops: Eye-Opening Help for Your Relationship

Hear Darius and Yolanda share their journey in marriage.

Relationship DUI - are you sure you're in love?


Relationship DUI - are you sure you're in love?

It’s a four-minute illustrated lecture, that outlines why so many of us slide into bad relationships, and choose the wrong partners and hang on long after we know it should end.

REAL Essentials Helps Kids Stand Up to Peer Pressure in Northern Colorado


REAL Essentials Helps Kids Stand Up to Peer Pressure in Northern Colorado

In Weld County, former Colorado County Commissioner David Long, former president of the Colorado Health and Human Services Commissioner Board, investigated the effectiveness of the REAL Essentials program with the research team at the Weld County Department of Health.


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