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REAL Essentials is Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed


REAL Essentials is Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed

Discover how REAL Essentials aligns with research.

Go Ahead, Be “Needy”!

Article, Research

Go Ahead, Be “Needy”!

The western world values independence and is regularly digesting messages that label “needy” or “vulnerable” people as high-maintenance. Relationship experts encourage people to embrace these typically negative labels as a core element of relational satisfaction.




The SMARTool is a resource to be used by schools, communities, youth-serving agencies and other organizations interested in presenting risk-avoidance education to youth.

Budget Templates for Grant Writing


Budget Templates for Grant Writing

The following budget line items serve as a guide for writing REAL Essentials into a grant.

The Millennial Success Sequence

Article, Research

The Millennial Success Sequence

First comes marriage or the baby carriage? How marriage, kids, and the “success sequence” are linked to financial well-being among Millennials. This report is a research effort of the American Enterprise Institute and the Institute for Family Studies that explores whether and how strong and stable families advance the economic welfare of children, adults, and the nation as a whole.

Sexual Risk Behaviors and Academic Achievement


Sexual Risk Behaviors and Academic Achievement

A study that explores the relationship between sexual risk behaviors and academic achievement.

Teens Say Sex Ed Pressures Them to Have Sex


Teens Say Sex Ed Pressures Them to Have Sex

The attached infographic outlines how young people, when asked in focus groups, perceive the constant barrage of safe sex messages around condom and contraceptive use.


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