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REAL Essentials Custom Workbooks

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REAL Essentials Custom Workbooks

The REAL Essentials customized workbook serves as a helpful teaching resource for your participants.

REAL Essentials is Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed


REAL Essentials is Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed

Discover how REAL Essentials aligns with research.

Writing a Grant?


Writing a Grant?

One of the keys to a solid grant proposal is a strong partnership with a curriculum company.  The Center for Relationship Education is willing and prepared to be this type of partner for your organization.




The SMARTool is a resource to be used by schools, communities, youth-serving agencies and other organizations interested in presenting risk-avoidance education to youth.

Budget Templates for Grant Writing


Budget Templates for Grant Writing

The following budget line items serve as a guide for writing REAL Essentials into a grant.


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